Earth Day Blues

On one of our last days in Ko Ngai, Thailand, John and I were walking along a beach heading back to our cottage after snorkeling just offshore. Clara was trailing, picking up shells. I was thinking of what I had seen under the water and asked John something along the lines of, “What has our global/social/economic system produced that has been better than or as good as the environmental systems that were destroyed to make it?” His answer:”Nothing.”

Thai_Island_Andaman_SeaLet me explain: Continue reading

Kitchen Art

I recently purchased a lovely and inspiring painting from a friend and had been wondering where I should display it so it could get the most eye-time . . .

pink-geraniums-nancy-nickersonI finally decided to install it in my kitchen – since that’s really where I spend most of my time. The little darling seems very happy hanging there, and I feel very happy seeing it. The painting reminds me that one’s work does not have to be huge to be great – as it is both tiny (5×7) and heroic at the same time. And, of course, it’s pink. Which is awesome. Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Surprise

Indonesia held promise. We weren’t going to Bali. No. When so many work opportunities presented themselves in Java, why would we hit over-touristed Bali?
As our plane began its descent at Yogyakarta Airport, I spotted two pointed mountains emerging from the clouds.
“Yep. Now we are in the Ring of Fire,” John said.
I filled in the next required line, “Burn, burn burn, The Ring of Fire, the ring of fire.” (Some things must be done.) We laughed. We successfully made it to Yogya without an overnight in Jarkarta and we were feeling good. It required catching a cab in Kuching at 5 a.m. for our first flight to Kuala Lumpur. Then a wait and another flight to Jakarta. Then a shuttle to another terminal, then a long wait until our 5:30 p.m. flight. Long day. No matter. We booked a fancy hotel (for cheap) and would soon have five-star luxury to bolster us.

Sweltering heat greeted us as we deplaned and walked across the tarmac to the terminal. Brief confusion over transport to our hotel left me drained. Then we busted a move and found our cabbie; the evening sky was dressed in neon pink and orange sari.IMG_1621

Suddenly, as can happen when traveling, I felt euphoric. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season


I love this little guy – a door hanger that a crafty friend made for me. Mostly I love this foxy door hanger because: (1) he is randomly Australian; and (2) although he arrived in December, he doesn’t look Christmasy. So really, he could be proclaiming the arrival of any season – and I believe that is just what he is doing. These days, he is busy announcing citrus season. Continue reading

Where is Borneo anyway?

“Mom, is this mud or guano?” Clara asked as she put one foot carefully onto a slim wooden stair.

I was holding her hand as we headed into Niah Cave in Sarawak. “It’s hard for me to tell in this darkness, but given the smell I’d guess guano,” I replied. “Don’t touch the railing either so you don’t get bat poo on your hands!”

stairsThree weeks in Borneo during the monsoon months with almost no rain allowed us to travel easily. We took a five day trip to Gunung Mulu and Niah Cave National Parks in Sarawak. At Niah, the air was alive with bats and swifts, Continue reading