Love letter to The Lodge

No sweeping lawn, ancient trees, stone towers, courtyard, or flapping flags decorate my personal Downton Abbey. Rather a wrap-around porch, with a semi-detached kitchen, and a peaked roof define The Lodge, a Cracker-style wooden house that has played a main character in my life.
Pennsylvania millionaire Thomas Mellon, brother of the former United States Treasury secretary Andrew Mellon, built The Lodge around 1895 as a fishing lodge. The old house is perched on a constantly shifting spit of land jutting into the Atlantic, 15 miles south of St. Augustine, a town celebrating its 500th birthday. Author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings played cards here. Other celebrities visited the family over the years. Now the house’s future is as tenuous as that grand fictitious English estate. Continue reading

Beach sherds

IMG_6688Shells are my booty from a weekend spent with friends in a place called Summer Haven. (Evocative name. I think I want to call my house Summer Haven. However it is decidedly NOT in the line of a steady ocean breeze.)

Nothing like a beach littered with craft supplies, free for the taking. I have a little memory project in mind for these beauties, or ones very similar to these. More about the weekend, and the craft, coming in the next day or two.

Clara at Summer Haven.

Clara at Summer Haven.